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Are you a light sleeper, or could you sleep through Carmen and Hilary's jam sessions like they weren't even happening?

[Carmen and Hilary jam loudly] [June: "Hey, Carmen and Hilary? Would you mind keeping it down a little? I'm trying to get some sleep before school tomorrow..." Carmen: "Oh! Of course, June!" Hilary: "Yeah! Of course, June!"] [Carmen and Hilary look at each other] [Carmen and Hilary jam quietly]

Did you have imaginary friends when you were little? What were they like? What do you think they were hiding from you...?

[Blatsy: "Wow, June! So you really thought all the ghosts were just imaginary friends at first?" June: "Well, yeah, Blatsy! 'cause that's what they told me." Blatsy: "But why would they say that?"] [Sandy: "Because we didn't want to tell a child about scary things like automobile accidents..." Edmund: "...or the chair..." Clown: "...or horrible circus accidents involving countless spiders!"] [Blatsy thinks hard about this] [Blatsy: "Yeah, it seems like probably that was a pretty good choice." Sandy: "Yup!" Clown: "Never ask me about the circus ever!"]

You can count on Carmen and Hilary to tell you how they really feel. It's an awfully complimentary statue though. What will your memorial statue look like?

[Hilary: "Whoa, Gramplin, you weren't kiddin' about this statue." Gramplin: "Isn't it marvelous, Carmen and Hilary?"] [Gramplin: "It captures my nobleness, my boldness, and the grandeur of the name Trulish Gramplin."] [A bird poops on the statues face] [Carmen: "And just like him, it's an easy target!" Gramplin: "No! NO! This is even worse than when I was shot! Multiple times!! Curse you birds!!"]

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