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Sandy's Story

[The Tinmanhat from WebToon asks: "What's Sandy's story?"] [Sandy: "Oh, jeepers. My story? There's not much to say, but - Oh, where to start?"] [Sandy: "Well, I grew up in Ludburrow County. I loved my mother, father, and my older sister, Miranda. The four of us were all exceptionally close. Growing up, I loved quilting, baking, going to church, doing puzzles, spending time in the park with my girlfriends, Coral and Shelly - we actually pierced each other's ears and that's a whole story in itself. My first kiss was Todd Greely on April 3 1956 at a movie. I remember the kiss p-fectly, but for the life of me can't remember t- movie! I dated Andy Beck my freshman year of high school and was also on the tennis team. Oh, and throughout all of that I was participating in state fair baking competitions, and had just -tarted gardening, when I was hit by a --- -fter leaving Coral's surprise birthday!"] [Sandy: "Hmm. I feel like I left some things out, I'll be right back. Let me grab my diaries!"]


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