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[Pigeons fall from the sky.  Blatsy: "To be fair, June, while that wasn't great, Lisa Rose does antagonize you for little justifiable reason every day!" Sandy: "And you only got three days of suspension!"] [June: "Sandy, that's pretty bad..." Sandy: "Just... trying to... silver lining..."] [Sandy grins] [A tombstone is struck by lightning; it shatters.]

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[Lisa Rose: "Are you threatening me, Cemetery Girl?"] [Blatsy wrestles with the octopus and cat. Blatsy: "No! She's telling the truth!"] [Blatsy: "An evil bracelet put a curse on her!"] [Violet: "Wow, really?" Lisa Rose: "Shut up, Violet. They're obviously making that up." Daisy: "Yeah! Making that up!"] [Lisa Rose: "Pity you did so poorly in class. Looks like your precious GPA is going to -"] [The octopus sprays Lisa Rose, Daisy, and Violet with ink] [Lisa Rose, Daisy, and Violet are stunned.] [June: "Lisa Rose, I am so sorry, but I told you that-" Lisa Rose lunges at June. Lisa Rose: "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!"]

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[Sandy: "It could be worse, June. A 'D' was very generous." Blatsy: "Good thing Coach McKinney likes guacamole." June: "Yeah... good thing..."] [An octopus falls out of June's locker.] [June: "Great."] [Blatsy: "Hey there, little guy."] [Lisa Rose: "That was a nice 'arts and crafts' display in history class, Cemetery Girl."] [Lisa Rose is flanked by Daisy and Violet.] [June: "Stay back, Lisa Rose." Lisa Rose: "Or what?" June: "Or something bad will happen!"]

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